Greetings Ladies and Gentelnerds and welcome to another Movie Review!

Today’s film..


THE STORY: “When Teh Adam is reawaken In present day Kahndaqh, his leathel methods attract the attention of The Justice Society.”

The story is your basic, run of the mill, heroes have misunderstanding, and fight all the while a darker more evil foe arrives in the third act. Honestly.. the story is not this films strongest feature.. it’s pretty.. juvenile. Or at the very least, it feels dated. Had this come out, oh let’s say.. back in 2007!! (?)

HOLY FUCK!! The Rock was cast as Black Adam.. in 200-fucking-7! We’ve waited.. almost 15 years! For THIS!!!? This.. was the best they could come up with.. in 15 fucking years!!??

*inhales deeply*

*exhales deeply*

Deep breaths..

Uhm.. it’s not bad.. but it sure as hell ain’t good. The film has its moments. But they are few and far between..

THE CAST: Pierce Brosnan! Pierce-fucking-Brosnan.. that man can do no wrong! Aldis Hodge was a solid Hawkman.. Atom Smasher and Cyclone were.. fine I guess.. for whatever screen time they had.. and lastly.. Dwayne Johnson.. he has his moments, and they are some very good moments don’t get me wrong.. but it’s Dwayne Johnson.. being.. Dwayne Johnson, playing Black Adam!..


Dr. Fate!

Pierce Brosnan was an excellent Dr. Fate. And I wish we get more.. in some fashion.. somewhere down the line.

Aldis Hodge was a solid Hawkman!

And I will say this.. Black Adam’s backstory and Dwayne Johnson’s delivery is pretty good.


The Story really is just stupid! They had 15 years to craft a good story and they just.. Amber Heard, all over the bed.. (iykyk)

I’m gonna try and not spoil anything.. but some of the characters were not just poorly written but characteristics were not handled properly..

There is a moment in the film that calls out bull shit that is actual bull shit story wise.

OVERALL: It’s not Fan4stic level of shit.. it’s not bad.. but it ain’t good either.. there was SOOO much potential, absolutely WASTED on this film! At the start I found it so mind numbing stupid.. the middle had something.. the end was… ok! Overall I give “BLACK ADAM” A score of.. ⭐️⭐️ and a Half out of 5!

Thank you for reading.. stay tuned for the Spoiler filled movie review over on the podcast!

Until next time.. Peace Out!

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