Weekend Movie Reviews: “Doctor Strange- In The Multiverse Of Madness” (A SPOILER FREE REVIEW)

Greetings ladies and gentelnerds, welcome BACK! To Weekend Movie Reviews.. (pause for applause)…

It’s been a minute.. I’ve been off at the land of Ko-Fi.. (Here’s a Link.. https://ko-fi.com/thespeculatingnerd .. SHAMELESS PLUG!!)


Today’s Movie?..

Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse Of Madness

The Story: I’m gonna keep this as spoiler free as possible.. even tho a whole lot of sources can’t keep thier damn mouths shut for those that have not gotten the chance to see the film.. I’m gonna be a bit different.

“A Mysterious Force is trying to capture a young teenager, America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) Who Possess the power to traverse The Multiverse at will. Seeking The help of Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Sorcerer Supreme Wong (Benedict Wong), America hopes to find the Legendary Book Of Vashanti for Help in solving the mystery and saving the Multiverse from this threat…”

That’s the best I can do..

If I’m being honest.. the Story is Good and Fun.. but full of key plot holes. Compared to the first film.. it is an improvement.. but not by much.

THE CAST: A great Cast with great performances. Which is, in fact, is the movies saving grace. That, and the Directing and special effects.

THE POSITIVES: The cast. Sam Raimi’s Directing. The visuals. All an A+

THE NEGATIVES:… How do I do this without spoiling anything?… Ok… I’ll save the negatives.. for the spoiler filled version.. how about that? Deal?.. Deal..

OVERALL: A Great cast of actors and characters, with great Directing and beautiful visuals. Doctor Strange 2 is a great time at the movies.. despite some story issues.. I give “Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse Of Madness” A score of.. ⭐⭐⭐ 1/2 out of 5.. Just for a pure fun, good time!

Wow… that was a short review..

Thank You So much for reading! Let’s do this again some time..

Until next time folks.. peace out!

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