“BLACK WIDOW: Teaser Trailer”

3 AM Monday Morning, we got our very first look at the Upcoming “BLACK WIDOW” film staring Scarlett Johansson…

Lets take a look..

That is what is called a Teaser! We don’t really know a damn thing about what’s going on, Plot Wise.

But we got a lot of great set ups,

Great Action Pieces

and The Comedy Segment.

There’s still much to learn from this teaser. And plenty more we could learn as we make our way toward May 1st.

Since the premier of this trailer, a lot of folks seem to be complaining about TASKMASTER’s look..

Personally.. Im not mad.

It’s not the skull mask.. But there is a touch of skull in the mouth area and he has the color scheme in the hoodie.. So, for me.. Its a nice live action interpretation of an over the top costume from the comics..

So its not bad to me..

But that’s just me..

Anyway.. Great first Teaser to a film that’s 5 months away..

Until Next Time Folks… Peace Out!