“SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME” A Movie Review!(Spoilers)

Hey there Ladies and Gentlenerds.. Welcome back to A Movie Review! Todays Movie..



THE STORY: “With Spider-Man’s identity now revealed, Peter asks Doctor Strange for help. When a spell goes wrong, dangerous foes from other worlds start to appear, forcing Peter to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.”

The film literally picks up right were Far From Home left off.. The literal part when Spidey says “What The F*#€” and we are off to the races. The world knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, which flips his, MJ’s and Ned’s life upside down. When they fail to get into M.I.T. because of thier involvement and his being Spider-Man. Peter decides to visit Dr. Strange and have him make a spell that will make the world forget that he was spider-man. But Peter interferes with the spell too much and it goes haywire. So instead of people forgetting that he was spider-man, anyone who knew that Peter was Spider-man throughout the multiverse, was being drawn into this universe.

With Aunt May’s encouragements Peter sets out to Help These Villains rather than send them off to thier deaths in thier universes. Which goes horribly wrong thanks to Green Goblin. Aunt May is killed and before doing so she bestows the legendary mantra upon peter.. That With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.

Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield return as their respected Peter Parker’s, To help Our Peter set things right and get through the pain of his loss.

I don’t do it much justice.. But the story is amazing. Greatly executed by Director Jon Watts.

THE CAST: Everyone is on thier A-Game in this one. Tom Holland delivers yet another great performance as Peter/Spider-man. Zandaya is delightful. Andrew Garfield was a stand out.. And Toby Maguire looked like he was just happy to be there. William Dafoe was devilishly Sinister this time around as Norman/Green Goblin.

THE POSITIVES: Toby and Andrew. Tom’s performance. The action. The story.. All of it.. Just Great! The reveal of Aunt May being the Uncle Ben of this Universe was an inspired choice. Charlie Cox cameo as Matt Murdock was.. Perfection.

THE NEGATIVES: How do you not go full, Sinister Six?!?

OVERALL: Not much to complain about.. NO WAY HOME really is, a Great Movie! I give “Spider-man:No Way Home” a solid.. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5/5. A.. (Dare I say..) Spectacular addition to the Spider-man franchise.

Thank you so much for reading.. Until next time folks.. Peace Out!

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