“MORBIUS” A Movie Review


I finally watched “Morbius”.. and well.. what can i say?

It was a movie!

I’m not sure whether I can say, it’s so bad it’s good.. or if it’s just badly executed. Or just bad!

I’m genuinely confused by this movie. It clearly had potential.. but the execution was so off, it was weird.. it feels like so much was left on the cutting room floor and the way it ends is very abrupt.

I will say this for sure. Both end credits scenes angered me as much as all of BvS did.

It made no fucking sense at all! Just.. no. Fucking. Sense! It was so damn stupid! What The fuck was Sony thinking with those moments..

1st. How and why, does vulture get transported to another universe, and ends up staying there!? Therefore abandoning his beloved daughter and wife in the other universe! Really?

2nd. How the fuck does he get his hands on the vulture suit?.. which was left in the other universe!!..


I give Morbius, a score of… ⭐️ 1/5.. But they do get an E for Effort.. it looks like they tried.

Until next time folks.. peace out!

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