2022 AC, marks San Diego Comic Con’s much anticipated return this year. Also returning to SDCC and its Hall-H Panel stage, was Marvel Studios. Which had taken a lengthy hiatus from the event, even before Covid. Settling mostly for announcing thier big projects over at D23. Disney’s own “Comic Con” if you will.

This year brought some pretty cool announcements from Marvel Studios. Mainly involving its future Phase 5 and 6 film/show slates.

Let’s take a look, at Phase 5!

While, She-Hulk and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever brings phase 4 to a close, Ant-man and The Wasp: Quantumania kicks off Phase 5 early next year in February. With Secret Invasion Not far behind that..

Here are few other stand out titles coming up in phase 5..

But that ain’t all folks!..

They also announced that Fantastic Four will kick start Phase 6 and to cap it all off.. will be two.. count em, 2! New Avengers films

And finally the name of this latest Saga of films is titled..

We Marvel fans are eating good these next couple of years..

What are your thoughts about the Multiverse Saga? Anything you folks are really eager about? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time folks… Peace Out!


  1. I am definitely not complaining! What I would like to see is them take their time on the Mutants and give us a great story line. Like the Avengers, it would be awesome if we were to really get invested in the characters. It would be hard though because we would be looking at mainly group films.

    The Multiverse opens up so many possibilities as to who gets introduced as characters. This leaves all characters on the table in respect to “well this actor/character is getting too old/contract is up/killed off, etc.” and boom! A new actor playing the same character comes in. It scares me in the fact that they can kill off a character for the box office $$$ and bring that same character back later on.

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